Suppression of knowledge/TRUTH


The Hon Commissioners

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

The International Human Rights

National Human Rights


VeeraVenkat R.M.Y.S/o.lateY.V.Giri

Hindu, aged about 58 years,R/o. Quarter-A1,

Door No. 54-12-17/16, Bhanu Nagar,

Maddilapalem, Visakhapatnam-530022



Government of India Rep. by its Director,

NandanNilekani, UIDAI, Regional Office,

Delhi Ground Floor, Supreme Commission Metro Station,

PragatiMaidan, New Delhi-110001.



I, VeeraVenkat R.M.Y. S/o.lateY.V.Giri Hindu, aged about 59 years, R/o.  Door No. 54-12-17/16 Bhanu Nagar, Maddilapalem. Visakhapatnam,  do hereby sincerely and solemnly affirm on oath and state as follows:

1.     I state that I am the Petitioner herein and as such I am well acquainted with the facts of the case.                          

2.         I submit that I am a B.Sc. student in Theatre Arts, from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.  I passed M.B.A at Madras (Now Chennai) and Diploma in acting, and D.H.R.C.M and Diploma in Tourism Management at Bombay.  I was for some years at Madras (Chennai) and gained experience in acting and story writing for films & serial and on their subjects. The COMPLAINANT is A WRITER OF A STREAM OF SOLUTIONS TO THE PRESENT GLOBAL TURMOIL ASPECTS.I Wrote a Jesus Returns, End of Evil, Kill the Crime, The world is mine, Master God, Laugh and Learn, Tom Dick and illegal All in US etc

3.         I submit that my novels JESUS RETURNS and END OF EVIL were INFRINGED without my knowledge BY THE Ex US PRESIDENT MR. GEORGE W BUSH who made most of the novels TRUE by turning them into deeds. Meanwhile the World along with US faced a Financial TURMOIL OF 345 TRILLION $ DEFICIT.

4.         I state that the infringement  of JESUS RETURNS and END OF EVIL have created a disastrous history not only in US but in all the Global nations leaving the world in 345 TRILLION DOLLARS debts and on the other side he had undergone unexplainable mental torture all these years leaving the complainant in disastrous helpless situation. Noble prize winner Joseph Stilglitz  “ The US folly must worry us All‘ .

5.         I submit that I was inspired by the speech given by the Honourable President George W. Bush on Home Land Security about 9/11 and security measures which was mentioned in Eenadu News Paper on July 23rd 2002, in that statement nothing was mentioned about biometrics or even about the security science concepts which the complainant mentioned, so with these I wrote book under name & style “END OF EVIL” Subtitle S.U.A.S (United American Security Services) which was my fourth book, on biometric security systems which are useful for security of U.S.A and other countries important areas like White House, Pentagon, Statue of Liberty, Public Areas, Important Areas etc. I got this subject after the attack on U.S.A through Terrorism and the way they attacked the White House on 9-11-2001.  Thinking and working hard I wrote the book indicating the steps to be taken for the Security Measures particularly in U.S.A at important places.  I stored the subject in my computer. I got my book registered in the office of WRITERS GUILD OF AMERICA, after removing the science concepts in few pages only.  The Registration Number is 909087 dated 02-02-2003. Certificate enclosed . In the format of a Screenplay. I also used to get Hollywood News from Writers Script Net Work.I registered later in the same year 2003 on Nov 18th the subject end of evil in full in the Copyright office of India. EXHIBIT –A . WGA.

6.         I state that I alone got copy right to the book ‘END OF EVIL’ Subtitle S.U.A.S (United American Security Services) and none-else and I submit that during February and March 2003 while I was downloading dictionary to my surprise I observed that the ‘Science Concepts’ from my computer were infringed.  Later on from Eenadu Daily news paper at my hotel, I found that one Mr. Mohan Trivedi stated that he got the science concepts as mentioned in my novel for security measures of U.S.A and when I Went through the contents stated in the said paper, then I could understand that the science concepts regarding security measures were infringed unlawfully by Mohan Trivedi.  The statement further shows that the MohnTrivedi  is struggling with his team to get it ready.  I submit that if Mohan Trivedi got the concepts of my mind from long why he did not express before 9/11/2001 anywhere and why he has been struggling with his team to get the concepts ready by May, 2004 under secretary of U.S D.H.S. Asa Hutchinson stated border security can no longer be a coastline it’s also information on a computer telling who is in the country for how long and for what reason. As mentioned in my novel Photographing of an entering visitor is for a variety of reasons including prior visa violations, criminal background etc as exactly mentioned in the novel.  I state that the accused has already sold the entire concepts to DHS of U.S.A. EENADU  EXHIBIT – B.

7.         I submit that The US, S.D.I.B must be issuing visas and other document with body identifying technologies.  As mentioned in my novel.  Frank Moss the Dy. Asst. Sec. For passport services that all new passports to have biometric data as mentioned in the novel at an estimated cost of 100 U.S $ annually.  He further stated that he tested on identical twins on Mexican border.  All these are illegal acts shows since I did not sell my concepts to anyone.  Kelly Shannon of the state dept, stated in same news that biometrics take digital measurements of the person’s face or other characters on a computer chip or machine readable strip as exactly mentioned in my novel.  The accused had infringed my copyrighted concepts since the copyright of the novel registered in my favour and he sold to U.S. for various departments under different names.  The Accused had illegally INFRINGED  all the concepts violating the I.T. act of 2000 as well as the Copy Right Act.of 1957.

8.         I submit that the Under Secretary stated that if the system had been in place at the time of attack on 9-11-2001 the incident would not have taken place vide in Hindu News Paper dated 21-5-2003.  The conduct of Mohan Trivedi stating that he is struggling with his team even in 2004 clearly shows that prior to the Registration of the book of the complaint with Writers Guild of America, he did not known about these concepts. HINDU EXHIBIT-C.

9.         I submit that in my novel, I introduced two heroines out of whom one is of good conduct while other is of bad conduct.  The appearance of the two heroines are alike.  He introduced two villains, who are like in their appearance but while one of good conduct, surprisingly Frank Moss the Dy, Asst. Sec. For passport services tested on identical twins on Mexican border in the place of the four Mohan Trivedi made some alterations after infringing  the science concepts and various security measures  stored in my computer, sold to various US Departments.  Which clearly shows that Mohan Trivedi Professor of Jacob School of Engineering both were used as a tool to divert the complainant from Apt legal action by the US Government.

 10.      I submit that  I alone know some mistakes in my novel and if the infringers make alterations with half knowledge, I am not at all responsible for the consequences happened against the concept of mine.  It is not out of place to mention here, that on 4-5-2003 Mr. Richard Armitage came to India and mentioned that Indians do not know as to how to save their Patent &copyrights.  I am aware of the value of science concepts it was for this reason to gain patent rights later, I did not submit to anyone. I submit that the accused has taken photograph which was published in a News Paper, and got it published in and the same was published in News Papers i.e. a Powerful Media of Indian State and the public would think that Mohan Trivedi invented the same, though the same concepts  belongs to the complainant and knowingly he did it.  As the complainant innovated the security measures, infringers having INFRINGED the same claiming to be their own unlawfully.

11.       I state that later on a Bill was passed by Government of U.S.A to take security measures on biometrics security systems as mentioned in my novel by giving different names to prevent the attack by terrorists on any part of their country to various agencies.  It is submitted that from the Preamble of the ‘The Information Technology Act, 2000 was passed basing on the Resolution dated 30-1-1997 of the General Assembly of United Nations, later the Indian Government passed the Act. 

12.       I submit that the book “End of Evil” has been written by me and the book, was registered in the office of Writers Guild of America on 02-02-2003, and I alone got the Copy Rights to all the concepts which was written in the book.  Since it is registered and his address is available in the office of ‘Writers Guild of America’ which is public office anybody can go there and read the book and can get the address of Internet code of mine, which was used by infringers and then INFRINGED my Science Concepts through Internet and gave a statement through media as if invented the same making little alterations sheltering his US Government who is the main infringer.  To the knowledge of mine about the science concepts were deleted in certain pages only but present in the other pages..  The science concepts and the subject were not submitted to any one by me to get patents later.

13.       I further state that the infringers INFRINGED the science concepts of mine, which is useful for every country utilized  U.S, D.H.S and used to give statements through media as if it was invented by only with a view to sell the same to U.S.A and other countries and thus committed offence punishable u/s 66 of ‘Information Technology Act, 2000, u/s 63 of Copy Right Act, 1957 and u/s 420 & 468 IPC which was amended in view of the above act including the information stored in a computer with view to cause unlawful loss to me and unlawful gain to me to a tune of 100 billion dollars and even more.  In view of the acts of the infringers, I suffered a lot of mental agony.

14.       I submit that in the meanwhile during 2022 April in Times of India had collected evidence that the “AADHAAR IS UNPRECEDENTED”, later ” AADHAAR ARCHITECT NANDAN NILEKANI” “AADHAAR WAS CREATED BY THE HELP OF INDIAN GOVERNMENT ” in the ONDC MANUAL PAGE 6. By the end of 2022 and after got the information by me  and immediately approached the Cyber police station Endada, Visakhapatnam and gave the complaint for infringed the copyright of my concepts by NANDAN NILEKANI but the police bluntly rejected the complaint itself and they gave in written ” CIVIL TRY SOME ALTERNATIVE “. ON 18-03-2023. EXHIBIT  -F.I herewith submitted the acknowledgment receipt of END OF EVIL ( FULL) on 18-11-2003 by the Indian Copyright office.  EXHIBIT – G.

15.       I state that as pointed initially Globally these biometrics and UID, FRT, etc were taken over in most of the  Countries by Private Commercial Organizations from small to Corporate multinationals killing the primary cause of innovation to identify terrorists and prevention of terror attacks all these years. Though they all made money Globally all nations lost millions of lives along with billions of Dollars every year from 2003 till date. The above  infringement which took place indirectly by the government of USA using Mohan Trivedi and Jacob School of Engineering as a tool turned into a gigantic monster globally.. Later the same above BIOMETRICS and UNIQUE IDENTITY NUMBER , airport baggage and passengers scanning , facial reorganization etc were introduced  in many countries by various names and  by the government of India as AADHAAR in the year 2009. AADHAAR  ONDC EXHIBIT -1 A.

16.       I state that, with a great Publicity both in print and Electronic media the then Government of India has introduced BIOMETRIC AND UNIQUE IDENTITY NUMBER to every citizen of India to eliminate terrorist attacks, to identify terrorists, prevention of terrorism, prevention of terror funding, to secure general civilians, ensured smooth daily life etc with A CAP OF Rs 40, CRORES ONLY BUT BY NOW THE INDIAN GOVERNMENT HAS SPENT, 300 BILLION DOLLARS PLUS FROM THE TAX PAYERS MONEY. ANNEXURE ;- Unique Identification System AlankritPatnaik Deepak Gupta BhagwanParshuram Institute of Technology BhagwanParshuram Institute of Technolog .  International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 7– No.5, September 2010.  CLEARLY SPECIFIED IN THE FIRST PARA “  The UID is fundamentally prepared to identify citizens so that better security can be provided by identifying illegal immigrants and terrorists  “. EXHIBIT – 1.   I state that HIGHLY CLASSIFIED INFORMATION & EVIDENCES Along with an additional prayer will be submitted in due process.I state that the above facts clearly established that the government of India has sponsored and sheltered Aadhaar which indirectly helped terror killings of thousands of Indians by injuries to thousands of Indians, billions of Rupees financial loss due to terror attacks and through misuse of various government sponsored schemes, along with billions of work hours were lost to 145 million Indians etc which all are serious crimes punishable under  COPYRIGHT ACT OF 1957 SECTIONS 63, 67,68, 69 IPC 420 , 468, 120 B , ETC

17.    Brief description of Indian election infringement EVM has no copyright  or patent .

1)    India has 545 lok sabha, 4215 assembly segments.

2) Each segment ( i.e each candidate ) is allotted a number –  copied infringed  from my novel END OF EVIL in which I allotted a unique identity number to identify each and every person in the world –eg;  national number 0091 – next state number 8 next District number -. 91- now we must allot a number to every person in that District so that we can recognize that person  globally – THIS SAME IDENTIFICATION AS IT IS WAS IMPLEMENTED ON EACH AND EVERY CONTESTANT.

3) Next  after 2012 they took defense broad band – spectrum ( like 2g ,3g etc ) 

4) After 2014 lot of modifications were done to the EVM S a sim with the above number was installed.

5) Once counting is complete the UID no displays the total number of votes polled to each and every candidate.

Now for ex ; four parties four candidates are contesting

1) 0091891256 – Ram

2) 0091891257 – Laxman

3) 0091891258 – Bharat.

4) 0091891259 – Shatrughan.etc

6) Suppose if the top end organizers in whose hands the election Exists decide to make Ram win they just simply command above Ram no and enter  plus 25 or 30 or 40 percent and to the rest of the candidates they command equal percent of reduction leaving the total polled votes to be same.

7) EVM S of that particular segment all have the same number so that once a command is given all the machines accept with that particular code.

8)Now when the counting starts the EVM S display the new manipulated figures – thus making the deserved candidate win.

9)Coming to VVPT machines one can experience full length comedy as to how the machine is composed and how it’s fooling 1.3 billion Indians. Big story so let’s ignore.

India is a nation with scores of Intellectuals with God’s blessings if Hon Modi or the corporate just request anything they are ready to do miracles – INTELLIGENCE is not making the few rich it is making the whole World prosperous and peaceful .

God bless the World  Save Mother India.

The  infringers have infringed the Freedom of expression,  Right against exploitation,

Right to constitutional remedies,   Right to freedom ,   Right to equality,  Right to privacy,  Discrimination  ,fundamental right which is RIGHT TO VOTE.

Right to live : Article 21 States the Protection of Lives and personal the right to life is a human right. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to live, be free, and feel safe. The European Convention on Human Rights considers the right to life to be the most important and first right. 


Article 27 copyright

Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.

Who owns copyright rights?

Owners may also have rights to prevent anyone from circumventing technological protection systems that control access to the works. Author is the copyright owner. As a general rule, the initial owner of the copyright is the person who does the creative work.24 Oct 2023

collision of copyright and human rights. “Copyright and Human Rights” is the first comprehensive analysis of this emerging nexus of legal issues. In eight incisive essays, well-known authorities in both copyright law and human rights law present an in-depth analysis and discussion of such essential topics as the following: the human rights credentials of copyright; the relations between copyright and freedom of speech and expression, from the perspectives of both North American and European law; the impact of the US Supreme Commission decision in Eldred; the relevance to copyright of the public interest defence in Euroepan law; and the fundamental rights of privacy in an intellectual property environment.

Copyright is regarded as a means of incentivizing the creation of new works and as a source of dissemination of work. While, on the other hand, the human rights framework of intellectual property in the UDHR and ICESCR aims to offer individuals, the well-merited protection of their moral and material interests in their intellectual creations. Article 27(2) of the UDHR recognizes everyone’s right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. Dichotomy of rights in Article 27 portrays internal conflict between access to benefits of arts and scientific advancements and moral and material interests. Article 15(1)(c) of the ICESCR also requires each state party of the Covenant to recognize the right of everyone to benefit from the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production. 

The infringers who are governments of the world have infringed the copyrights of the complainant and have issued all powers to private / corporate organizations who minted  millions to billions of dollars turning every country into financial turmoil in the guise of security .This has led to thousands of deaths not only by terrorist killings by various gun killings also..Hence the infringers are punishable for the various governments financial turmoil and gun killings terrorist killings.


18.       Hence, the Hon’ble Commission may be pleased to:

(1)  Register the present complaint

(2)  Take Cognizance of the offence, as contents per-se amount to commission of offence, as mentioned above, without anything more.

(3)  Summon try and punish the accused for committing the offences under Section 63 and 69 of the Copyright Act, 1957 and Section 66, 67 and 72 of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and Section 419, 420 & 120-B of  IPC.

And violated all the HUMAN RIGHTS, hence  pass such other or further orders as the Hon’ble Commission may deem fit and proper in the facts and circumstances of the case

19.       It is also just and necessary that the Hon’ble Commission may be pleased to direct the respondent to summon try and punish the accused for committing the offences under Section 63 and 69 of the Copyright Act, 1957 and Section 66, 67 and 72 of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and Section 419, 420 & 120-B of  IPC, all the HUMAN RIGHTS of the copyright holder as well as the global public  ,  pending disposal of the  Petition in the interest of justice.


Solemnly affirmed and signed                                    PETITIONER

Before me on this  24    day of

Jan , 2024.

Encl :  FEW VITAL EVIDENCES , Classified evidence will be submitted in due Justification process.


To,The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10, SwitzerlandGreetings of the Season at the outset and let me introduce myself as Veera venkat rmy from Andhrapradesh India  Writer  and many Copyrights holder.

During 2014 I copyrighted in US as ” File of venkat rmy”  in which I copyrighted Farm friends, Material bank,  I want now etc

Later I’d copyrighted 2dary Mart in US on 19042020  a business methodology for sellers and buyers  at Global level which turns agriculture also  profitable, on one digital communication, prevents  FARMERS SUICIDES,  losses, Generates employment etc.

I participated in 2021 kisaan ANDOLAN FARMERS AGITATION in which 600 +  FARMERS GOT KILLED, gave a speech assuring them not to worry then wrote to hon PM Modi  the subject in two lines.

Total Copyrighted subjects were  INFRINGED by Government of India as ONDC recently 31122020. And was being put to use from April 2022.Which I came to learn last week.

I’m an individual who cannot afford any fee.Non selfishly to prevent suicides , losses I wrote for the Global farmers sellers and buyers.I humbly and earnestly pray for Justice expeditiously.


18102022.     ADD ; Veera Venkat.r.m.y. 54-12-17/16 Bhanunagr HB Colony Visakhapatnam  AP INDIA- 22        ph  00919849564211.


One who raises voice for Justification GET KILLED.

ENCL ; Case plaint copy with evidences.

To,The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland


Veera Venkat.R.M.Y.

54-12-17/16 Bhanunagar

H.B. Colony Visakhapatnam-22AP India     00919849564211  …………….Plaintiff.


1) ONDC   Forum, DLF Cyber City, DLF Phase 3, Gurugram, Haryana 122002 India.

2) Nandan M. Nilekani Non- Executive Chairman, Infosys Forum, DLF Cyber City, DLF Phase 3, Gurugram, Haryana 122002 India.

3) Adil Zainulbhai Chairman, Quality Council of Indiaand Capacity BuildingCommission Forum, DLF Cyber City, DLF Phase 3, Gurugram, Haryana 122002* India.

4) Dilip Asbe Managing Director and CEO,National PaymentsCorporation of India Forum, DLF Cyber City, DLF Phase 3,Gurugram, Haryana 122002 India.

5) Kumar Rajagopalan CEO, Retailers Association of India* Forum, DLF Cyber City, DLF Phase 3, Gurugram, Haryana 122002 India.

6) R.S. Sharma  CEO, National Health Authority

7) Anjali Bansal Founder and Chairperson, Avaana Capital Forum, DLF Cyber City, DLF Phase 3, Gurugram, Haryana 122002 India.

8) Suresh Sethi  Managing Director and CEO,Protean eGov Technologies Ltd.  Forum, DLF Cyber City, DLF Phase 3, Gurugram, Haryana 122002 India.

9)  Anil Agrawal, IPS  Additional Secretary, Departmentfor Promotion of Industryand Internal Trade, Ministryof Commerce and Industry,Government of India Forum, DLF Cyber City, DLF Phase 3, Gurugram, Haryana 122002. India.                              ..Defendants

1)The plaintiff Veera Venkat.r.m.y. Is born and brought up in India AP, Vsakhapatnam and was qualified BSc, DHRCM, DBMM, DITM, DA , DTA, VS, MBA etc and entered his Father Late Sri Y.V.Giri shoes of their small Hotel Jupiter accommodation and restaurant business. Suddenly during 9/11 by the blessings of some DIVINE FORCE he observed the Global TURMOIL aspects sitting in vizag slowly he was turned into a writer of the following and many ;- 

Mata Ganga rivers water purification without harming a single living being.

Tirupati Balaji Hassle free darshan for lakhs of pilgrims daily,without touching one another as per vaikanasa agama sastra ,which also multiplies the revenue.

Mecca Anti stampede security systems with and without technology.

Anti terrorist security systems. Which also prevent Terrorism, gun culture.

Anti Drone Anti missile security system. all useful to the world at large.

2dary Mart which prevents farmers deaths, profits all traders from smallest to Corporate, benefits consumers also at Global level.

Developing At present ; Prevention of hunger deaths, Global Employment, On Computers usage  , Global Financial Reform  , at Global level etc and many more useful to the world on long run.

Writer of : Jesus Returns, End of Evil, kill the Crime, The world is mine, Master God, laugh and learn, Tom Dick and Illegals All in US etc

2)The plaintiff novels JESUS RETURNS and END OF EVIL were INFRINGED without the knowledge of him  BY THE EX US PRESIDENT MR. GEORGE W BUSH who made most of the novels TRUE by turning them into deeds . Sea of evidence is available. The hon Court records were stolen and all the attempts to recover for Justice have failed. Meanwhile the World along with US faced a Financial TURMOIL OF 248 TRILLION $ DEFICIT.

3)Let me start with a similar story. Long long ago in India there lived a king Singaboopala, in whose kingdom a small God blessed writer Potana penned Bhagavatam which the king insisted to present to him. Potana denied ” The book is the blessing of God I can’t ” . Aggrieved the king took the holy book by force , immediately the Kingdom faced Turmoil. All the pundits ran to the king and begged him to return the book to Potana. Unable to overcome the natural calamities, disasters the king returned the book. Immediately the nature cooled. The kingdom prospered much better than before. 

4)Similarly king Herod along with his Kingdom suffered a lot for Torturing and  Crossing  to Death Lord Jesus. 

5)The plaintiff of this case along with his whole family is suffering from 48 years without Justification from The indian Government itself which grabbed his registered land of 1892 purchased during British Government. Moreover the Indian Judiciary is so lawless the Indian Court itself wantonly stole Court original records of 7 cases which he filed.

6)And writer of many scientific solutions to the present Global Turmoil aspects.

7)The plaintiff who was blessed by some divine power was able to pen the above and always in deep thinking mode of doing  good by solutions to the present Global Turmoil aspects . Coming to the Secondary Mart the plaintiff has participated the DELHI KISAAN ANDOLAN and even gave a speech to save Farmers for fair price, prevention of suicides exhibiting his Copyrighted Certificates.

8)Due to the previous infringement of his Copyrighted subjects , as well due to his ancestral huge landed property which was unlawfully grabbed by the Government itself, the plaintiff has been whirling around the courts for decades .

9)Coming to the 2dary Mart he being himself a farmer  by himself  plus possessing good experience in Trading having run by himself Jupiter links, Maruti Marketing at a small level, being a successful hotelier for 25 years having accommodated various traders from all over India from different lines of manufacturers, Traders, wholesalers, suppliers, consumers etc having had brief discussions always with most of them while serving them gained tremendous experience and penned 2dary Mart.

10)Though 2dary Mart appears Sellers and Buyers friendly Globally the main motto is to save farmers globally from losses and deaths. The reason being without agriculture the world will come to an end. So very intelligently 2dary Mart was penned making all farmers initially traders / sellers and later making them remember that they are farmers.

10 A ) The plaintiff prior to the registration of 2dary Mart  has registered during 04122014

FARM FRIENDS, Material bank ,i want now,  Roof Racks  – REGISTRATION NUMBER ; # R692-17440 in USA Protecrite. Which are submitted below.

we request Farmers to  sell their A-Z farm Products, pulses, cereals, oils, grains, fruits, vegetables etc .. all A to Z Farm products to material bank’s  branch Farm friends. Farmers can avail 75% loan on finished crop in advance while in cultivation stage – later give date of delivery to bank (one week to one month margin time as per the crop). Now farm friends put the farm products on their web nationally so that each family can buy what they require and quantity they require of the farm products A to Z.


1) No future trading.

2) No bulk purchase only to families.

3) The material banks farm friends organization must give to farmers complete up to 85% to 90% of MRP rate of which  consumers are buying through material bank.

a) No Go downs      b) No stocks     c) No Brokers    d) No Traders e) If any one cheats remove them from list of supplies for generations,

By this way Dharma for farmers can be protected..

Conditions to farmers:

1) No pesticides

2) No hybrid productions

3) No cheating etc… If they cheat remove for generations.

NOTE: Supplying farmer must select prefer nearest material bank. Civilian buyer i.e.., consumer must also prefer nearest material bank so for both transport/ courier charges decreases.

Material bank must develop cold & hot storages & purchase stock yards for every 200km of distance. In stock yard they are segregated as per Size and Quality, packed and delivered through courier by the orders of the material bank of farm friends.

Written By



Copyright belongs to Venkat.R.M.Y

    This is net marketing business project world wide any one can log in and request what they want, in what budget, brand name or names, credit or cash, request discount etc etc and fill in their address, email id, contact number etc..

    Now as suppliers to consumers we have associations, tie-ups, marketing links, commission or percentage links with all A to Z manufacturers, traders, retailers, wholesalers, services etc etc.. producers etc BUY from them at low discounted price and sell to at requests at high price.

    For this initially we have to collect memberships per year as per income of the person (delivery in his name, to his address only) in the name of membership we collect all the details and later supply as per his request.i  need now does not maintain any stocks. It should have business tie ups with all shops ,suppliers, producers,retailers, wholesalers etc  in all cities, metros, towns etc globally  and supply   in that area itself as per the order in any location.

24 hours delivery

12 hours packages

Link to National Courier, Global Courier.

Pipeline Cameras

Water proof, oil proof, sensor cameras must be place inside pipelines which carry water, oil, milk etc etc gasses also. The monitors must display  the flow of liquid, gel, gas etc so that if there is any block or interruption or technical problem it can be repaired and resolved immeditely.


                                            Written By


Copyright belongs to Venkat.R.M.Y     18/10/2014  Visakhapatnam

Every company, factory, industry, corporate, multinationals etc have products which are moving slowly which we can and must also sell with material banking even perishable goods like vegetables, milk, fruits, cereals, pulses, oils etc. with material banking. Material bank is the bank which is to be established all over India and abroad (later) so that we can sell through this banking system materials which are moving slowly from the seller side same time the consumer or the buyer who is also in need the material gets benefited. Here the material bank makes money by taking commission plus% of profit as share. Material Bank must.

a) Take collateral security up to 100% from consumer.

b) Take legal opinion from two established bank. Lawyers.

c) Take consumers old bank statements check and give.

d) Study his background and character.

e) Take family photos, individual BioData Ration Card, Voter Card, Pan Card etc.

f) Take two income tax payees guarantee and bond signatures in tune to the value of material issued.

g) Every week check material, check repayment.

h) Encourage material sales during week times of market don’t force repayment, apply new market method.

This is not waste material marketing, not seconds or thirds, not damaged material marketing this is genuine material marketing sale of A to Z Material of every Product to a Multiplexes Big Bazaars’, Shopping complexes small to large shop and establishment, Hotels, Plazas etc, etc.., what not everywhere from anywhere seller to buyer any items to raw to finished material banking.

1) We don’t invest we take at wholesale rates and trade and make money by marketing through material banking.

2) We bargain lots.

3) We give credit at high costs.

4) We give to new shop.

5) We give to old shop.

6) Exbhition sales etc.etc

                                                                                                                                                                Written By



Copyright belongs to Venkat.R.M.Y is the sister concern of material banking (perishable goods also) along with M.B list Roof rack sales and supplies 24 hours in cities, Towns, Metros, etc. emergency items like water, milk, medicines, food, petrol, diesel etc etc . Raw & perishable. R.R Branches must be on the terrace of the top floor Phone delivery, door delivery must I 24hours all over India with single dial free phone number.

Step two: supply A to Z goods: we have to provide 24 hours service by collecting Rs 2500/- or so from ordinary houses free 50 deliveries, collect Rs 5000/- from luxury rich houses and deliver 100 times etc when calls comes a consumer must dial toll free number single number all over India as per the STD Code the EPABX must automatically connect to the roof racks delivery point of that area as per the code.

                                            Written By


21/10/2014                         D.No: 54-12-17/16

H.B.Colony, Bhanunagar, Visakhapatanam- 530022

Ph: 9849564211  E-mail:

The INFRINGERS of ONDC clearly openly infringed the above copyrighted “ File of Venkat.r.m.y. “  FARM FRIENDS, Material bank ,i want now,  Roof Racks , late 2dary Mart and created stealthily ONDC .


11)Copyrighted Subject of the writer and owner is herewith presented to the Hon Court. Copyright issued by USA are valid according to the WIPO , WTO agreements between all the member countries.Copyrighted in USA ON 18042020.  USA Copyright Certificate WAS GRANTED ON 22042020.REGISTRATION NUMBER TXu 2 -193-932. Registration DECISION DATE May 11 ,2020.

12)Copyright belongs to writer and owner Veera Venkat r.m.y. visakhapatnam AP India.

13)All rights are reserved with the writer and owner Veera Venkat .r.m.y.

TITLE ; 2dary MART.

1)2dary Mart – is the business methodology innovated by the writer and kiowner Veera Venkat r.m.y. on 18 April 2020 due to Covid – 19 lockdown this subject is being registered through email to my own son Y.Baladev for legal validity as email communication stands valid in any court of law internationally as per IT Act of 2000 , copyright act of 1957 , etc

2)The value of this business methodology is a trillion UK pounds plus as on 2020 and is subject to increase.

3)Coming to the business methodology in 2 dary Mart every buyer / consumer always prefers to buy FOR A LESS PRICE , for which they may opt for a SECONDARY BRAND  OR  NON BRANDED , Next they always prefer genuine products but because of the Chinese Cheap duplicate products Globally Consumers are afraid to purchase as they are unaware of Genuine Products . Here Products means not only Consumer products which are being sold in the Supermarkets Globally but each and every product a consumer purchases eg All groceries, household items, whatever a human need which comes its way.

4)So the Motto of this 2dary Mart is to sell only natural Genuine consumer products that too at a low price benefitting the consumer by printing on the Price tags not only the price of the product which 2 dary Mart Sells but also on the same tag prices of other  costly competitive products along with literature of the comparitives .

5)At present D Mart , Wall Mart etc are selling not only the top end products but also the cheaper ones here the consumer who is being carried away with the brand is not having the time and knowledge to learn and purchase the secondary low cost products which serve the same purpose which are also equally good as the primary branded sometimes better than primary branded.

6)Hence 2dary Mart sells Globally 2dary brands or non branded at a much lower price as good as the primary brand products if possible with better benefits to the consumers Globally for any product.

7)Website and App have to be developed  we must see that app reaches all mobiles Globally.

8)Many secondary products have less or no publicity 2dary Mart helps to promote sales with silent publicity. Primary brands also dominate by suppressing secondary brands our 2dary Mart does Justice and saves Consumer Money.

9)Every 2dary Mart is provided with a touch screen computer monitor once consumer types the name of the product item code is displayed along with the least  price , description of the products comparitively as Well as with the prices of the primary brands  and in the last column the amount of benefits consumer is going to achieve by purchasing 2dary Mart Product.

10)For regular consumers year end stock clearance first preference is given .

11)Hence  we have to Market this 2 dary Mart business Methodology Globally by educating the Global Consumers explaining their benefits as well we have to Make Money with the above 2dary Mart business Globally.

Copyright belongs to writer cum owner Veera Venkat r.m.y.
Add; 54-12-17/16 Bhanunagar  HB Colony Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh India – 22.

PH : 00919849564211.
Email ;

Later added

Pl Add the below


Copyright belongs to Veera Venkat rmy

All rights reserved.

12)Plus additional marketing system in 2dary Mart is 2dary Mart is all farmers, and suppliers friendly. Here suppliers means all products which suppliers supply / sell to 2dary Mart and those which all consumers purchase. Daily the prices of all products are displayed on notice board, touch screen computer monitors, websites, emails, by way of SMS  etc to suppliers and consumers .

13)Once the farmers / suppliers are satisfied with the sale prices immediately they express  their will to sell  with delivery to 2dary Mart at price less than 2 dary Mart selling price I. E. cost of expenditure eg shop rents, power bill, employees charges, taxes, general maintenance, miscellaneous, plus 13 % profit to 2dary Mart.

Eg ; One kilo wheat selling price in 2 dary Mart is roughly 10 dollars. Let’s estimate total expenditure as 1 dollar, 2dary Mart profit as 1.3 dollars so the farmer / supplier  has to sell to 2dary Mart at 7.7 dollars with packing and delivery.

14)Hence the farmers / suppliers  are using 2dary Mart as BROKERS MART / AGENCY / TOOL TO SELL  HIS / HER PRODUCTS without investment in 2dary Mart at his / her own will / at desired price / at desired time / desired quantity.

15)This is Farmers and Suppliers freedom . An open system which has no loopholes, This provides complete Freedom to farmers/ suppliers. This prevents bargain, wastage of time, money etc prevents misunderstanding leads to FAIR TRANSACTION between farmers / suppliers and 2dary Mart as well builds good bondage with the consumers and long run Prosperity of 2dary Mart.

Writer owner

Veera Venkat rmy


Veera Yellapu


The Indian Government supported ONDC  INFRINGED  FROM 31122020.


15)In the strategy booklet Of ONDC nor the Building Trust  ONDC Network booklet the name/ names of the writer or writers was not mentioned.

16)In the strategy booklet nor the Building Trust in the ONDC Network booklet the Copyright Registration was not mentioned.

17)That itself establishes that the infringer was well aware that the business Subject which is 2dary Mart was well copyrighted and because of this reason in order to escape legal punishments he intentionally avoided mentioning his name as well avoided registering ONDC in Indian Copyright Office.

18)The Government of India support has been clearly specified several times , the names and photos of the NON EXECUTIVES , CEO s, DIRECTORS were mentioned, Hence the plaintiff humbly pleads the hon Court to see that all the infringers attend the hon Court one by one for explanation and Clarification of countless doubts.

19)The world is well aware of the man made artificial COVID -19 pandemic , the deaths of millions of people, the Global Turmoil by all means which not only India but the world faced. Same time the world is also well aware of how LOCKDOWN s have continued with the nod of the various governments globally. Shielding the COVID lockdowns  by pulling the right muscles, greasing the top end corrupt the world has also disastrously financially suffered by lockdown of the small, medium kirana, general, departmental stores, suppliers , various consumer products stores to corporate etc And by doing so the already established few running online network traders from small to big from local to national and international have not only doubled , tripled the prices of all products which are human basic essential and non essential needs , emergency needs of consumers etc and creeped their tentacles of greed of money into every nook and corner of the world and minted millions and billions unlawfully. Leaving no country and India is no exception.

20)Having tasted the sweat and blood of consumers money all these months during COVID -19 , having Habituated to online easy marketing system, Corporate hospitals financial manipulations,  on the other side media manipulation of COVID -19 as if still in existence in various forms in various Countries, frightening the global public to stay in houses all helped the online network marketing to shoot up in multifolds and earn tremendous profits killing all the old small to large sellers forever.

21)Having smashed all the old sellers and suppliers of all goods the online traders unable to leave the easy money moved the strings of the governments by greasing the right people and later the ONDC by creating an impression of non profit service organization STEALTHILY developed by the government Of India itself as if by the people to the people for the people the INFRINGERS  were eagerly waiting  behind the ONDC shield which they INFRINGED by infringement of the Plaintiff  writer owner of 2dary Mart.

22)Infringers were unable to hide their hidden  intention in the Title of ONDC  which was well expressed and well established by the name COMMERCE which means business and business is only to gain profit.

23)Being well aware of all  the online network marketing wicked tricks the writer clearly specified in his 2dary Mart ” Open business methodology along with percentages, examples etc “.which eradicates monopoly, suppression, cheating, partiality, etc to all sellers and buyers also. A Frank and FAIR  expression which is nothing but an OPEN system.

Copyrighted subject of plaintiff part ;-

24)Plus additional marketing system in 2dary Mart is 2dary Mart is all farmers, and suppliers friendly. Here suppliers means all products which suppliers supply / sell to 2dary Mart and those which all consumers purchase. Daily the prices of all products are displayed on notice board, touch screen computer monitors, websites, emails, by way of SMS  etc to suppliers and consumers.

25)Hence the farmers / suppliers  are using 2dary Mart as BROKERS MART / AGENCY / TOOL TO SELL  HIS / HER PRODUCTS without investment in 2dary Mart at his / her own will / at desired price / at desired time / desired quantity.

26)This is Farmers and Suppliers freedom . An open system which has no loopholes, This provides complete Freedom to farmers/ suppliers. This prevents bargain, wastage of time, money etc prevents misunderstanding leads to FAIR TRANSACTION between farmers / suppliers and 2dary Mart as well builds good bondage with the consumers and long run Prosperity of 2dary Mart. “

27)All these clearly established that the ONDC infringed directly the copyrighted 2dary Mart of the plaintiff and applied brain only to insert the  selfish business tricks deep in between the points with twisted words in both the booklets which ONDC has published.

28)The plaintiff humbly prays toThe Hon Court as it is important and pertinent in this particular copyright infringement case in order to meet the ends of Justice to call for the innovators of Aadhaar as specified in the Strategy booklet of ONDC  and enable the plaintiff to clarify further the hidden invisible present dangers of ONDC.

29)The hon Court must also think well as to how the infringers infringed the copyrighted 2dary Mart so deliberately openly daringly without any fear of law or our Indian Judiciary and punishments for infringers .

30)The writer cum owner the plaintiff in this Case is also quiet aware that the infringers are highly influential, along with an established international infringer support and a local infringer who are highly capable of doing ” Anything Anywhere Anytime in the dot netted world of internet  ” . Hence humbly pray the hon Court to save the interest of the larger population of not only in India but also of Global population interest  in all the Nations.


1)  The plaintiff has copyrighted in his 2dary  Mart in para  6  “ Globally “ and in para 14  as  for all all products suppliers /sell  and all consumers “   Infringer ONDC  dishonestly infringed as “ OPEN NETWORK “ On the first page of ONDC strategy booklet.

2) The plaintiff has copyrighted in his 2dary  Mart  in para 14  as  for all buyers and sellers   “ for all human need “ INFRINGER ONDC  infringed as  “ democratizing  digital network “  On the first page of ONDC Strategy booklet.

3) The plaintiff has copyrighted in his 2dary  Mart  para 8   to start website & app which infringer ONDC  infringed as “ digital  “On the first page of ONDC Strategy booklet  .The infringer ONDC  is not aware that “ use of computers itself is digital.”

4) The plaintiff has copyrighted in his 2dary  Mart  para 3  as “whatever a human need which comes its way.”  ONDC  infringed as “to ensure that ONDC caters to the diverse needs “’ . On the3rd  page of ONDC Strategy booklet.

5) The plaintiff has copyrighted in his 2dary  Mart  para 10  as “the product item code is displayed along with the least  price , description of the products comparitively as Well as with the prices of the primary brands  and in the last column the amount of benefits consumer is going to achieve “On the 4th  page of ONDC Strategy booklet column no 1.1.1.  it  infringed  as “Digital commerce is reshaping the global business environment and can provide a fairer and more inclusive playing field for businesses “

6) The plaintiff has copyrighted in his 2dary  Mart  para 4  as “Genuine consumer products that too at a low price benefitting the consumer by printing on the Price tags not only the price of the product which 2 dary Mart Sells but also on the same tag prices of other  costly competitive products along with literature of the comparitives.” On the 4th page of ONDC Strategy booklet ONDC infringed   as in column 111  “  a fairer and more inclusive playing field for businesses. It can create economic opportunities for new sets of players, especially small businesses.

7)  The plaintiff has copyrighted in his 2dary  Mart in para  6  “ Globally “ and in para 14  as  for all all products suppliers ONDC  infringed as On the 4th  page of ONDC Strategy booklet  “It can create economic opportunities for new sets of players, especially small businesses “

8) The plaintiff has copyrighted in his 2dary  Mart  para 3   and  mentioned all consumer products that itself  means 2dary Mart is primarily alternative to Kirana. “ Here Products means not only Consumer products which are being sold in the Supermarkets Globally but each and every product a consumer purchases eg All groceries, household items, whatever a human need which comes its way.” The plaintiff has copyrighted in his 2dary  Mart  para 8   to start website & app which infringer ONDC  infringed as IN COLUMN 1.2.3. as “when most parts of the retail chain were found to be digitally absent and there was a complete breakdown of the supply chain. Around 1.2 crore Kiranas5 (hyperlocal neighborhood provision stores) account for 80% of the retail sector in India, with 90% of them being unorganized, or self-organized and most of them digitally excluded. As of September 2020, India is estimated….” Use of Website and APP CAN TAKE PLACE ONLY DIGITALLY as copyrighted by the plaintiff.

9) The plaintiff has copyrighted in his 2dary  Mart para 5   “At present D Mart , Wall Mart etc are selling not only the top end products but also the cheaper ones here the consumer who is being carried away with the brand is not having the time and knowledge to learn and purchase the secondary low cost products which serve the same purpose which are also equally good as the primary branded sometimes better than primary branded.  Hence 2dary

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