How To Deal With Avoidant Personality In Romantic Relationships

Past experiences or upbringing can trigger avoidant attachment in people. Why not date someone whose attachment style is more suitable, you might wonder? Well, the ongoing cycle of push and pull is addictive for avoidant-anxious couples. They reject being emotionally vulnerable not because of a lack of emotion, but out of the fear of rejection and loss.

Avoidant attachers may be prone to sabotaging their healthy relationships. Their mistrust of their partners’ intentions, combined with their fear of intimacy, can sometimes lead to them subconsciously behave in a way that pushes their partners away. A loner, on the other hand, will naturally take a while before bringing down those walls around them. I understand that when you date someone you naturally worry about their safety, well-being, happiness, and so on. But here’s the thing, loving solitude is not a decision people personally choose for fun.

Eventually, relief wears off and the normal, negative emotions surrounding a breakup rise. And because avoidants have difficulty handling such feelings, they try to avoid the pain and sense of loss by jumping into another relationship. All their commitment-phobic behavior stems from their fear of getting hurt or abandoned. Getting your avoidant partner to confront their fear, overcome it, and trust you is the biggest challenge your relationship will face. When you’re dating an avoidant, you need to be comfortable being independent and not being attached at the hip.

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When you really need help and support, without fail, they will show up and be warm to you. They will welcome you with open arms and be there for you through actions. Your love wouldn’t need a grand Saturday evening declaring the passion of your yearning hearts.

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If that fear is not addressed, they will continue to struggle to believe that their partner will not reject, hurt, or abandon them. While it is possible to change attachment styles and work through deep-rooted fears, this can only be accomplished if the person in question seeks to change. Every avoidant has the deep-rooted fear of losing their autonomy and independence in a relationship.

You’ll then find communicating with an avoidant partner much easier because you’ll accept them for who they are. Communicating with an avoidant partner means being your own, independent person. One of their biggest triggers that makes them distant is when someone depends on them. This applies perfectly to dealing with an avoidant partner because while their behaviors can seem confusing, they come from a place of misguided logic.

The avoidant one of the pair then has someone who is constantly after them, even if they put in little effort. One style is called “avoidant attachment,” according to psychotherapist Allison Abrams. She told Business Insider that our experiences in childhoodсupid-review/ shape our style of attachment, which then becomes the template for how we behave in future relationships. As children, avoidant style people felt abandoned by their caregivers. To alleviate that fear of abandonment, you should show that you’re dependable.

Essentially, they choose the flight mode of the fight or flight response. However, this isn’t to suggest that someone with an avoidant attachment style doesn’t crave love – they do. They’ve just been taught from an early age that the people they love will disappoint them. Unfortunately, avoidant attachers’ actions often leave potential romantic partners feeling confused, frustrated, and disappointed.

Fearful Avoidants will struggle to remain close to their partners. They will obsess over their partners not loving them and have mood swings. Of course, this puts a strain on their romantic relationships. People with Avoidant Attachment styles struggle with intimacy issues. They may create situations that destroy their relationships, albeit unconsciously.

Some people may do this because they have an unhealthy attachment style, which is the way they form bonds and connect to others. Humans are creatures of habit, and out of a subconscious desire to re-live and correct the issues from our past, we may seek out the same sort of partners and find ourselves in a destructive cycle. And with a man, directing aggression at him will generate an aggressive response. The flight or fight response is deeply ingrained into every human being. In essence, attacking a man who is opening his heart will trigger a survival level instinct. Once that survival level power fully awakens in relationship, the dynamics in the relationship changes and may never come back to equilibrium.

Instead of displaying a desire to connect, he/she emotionally disengage, becoming cold, unavailable, and unreliable. The anger that formed in early childhood leads the avoidant man with a Madonna-whore complex to seek revenge. This revenge will consist in seeking out women he can have sex with and throw away afterward. He will treat these women either explicitly or implicitly as dirty and slutty.

And once we become angry with our beloved, there is a host of problems that arise afterwards. These siblings to anger are inevitable when fury shows its face, especially when we know that our loved one has been hurt as a result of our anger. Sometimes the mistakes are colossal, and sometimes laughable. Men need an emotional example, how to be live with and operate with emotions in a healthy way. We also need to be accepted as we are, beginners with beautiful intention. To demand for a man to have the mastery over their emotions is an outrageous expectation.

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